Education Language and gender – what’s it all about?As an A-Level English Language student, I’ve been really enjoying the topic of language and gender. Unlike my other subjects, Biology and Chemistry, I find there’s much more freedom and opportunity for discussion. We’ve looked at theories and theorists, newspapers articles and considered real life situations and interactions all to help us develop our own […]Read Full Article
News What is hoarding disorder?Definition and symptoms According to the NHS: ‘A hoarding disorder is where someone acquires an excessive number of items and stores them in a chaotic manner, usually resulting in unmanageable amounts of clutter. The items can be of little or no monetary value.’ The NHS website also provides a list of symptoms of hoarding disorder: […]Read Full Article
News The importance of our namesThe importance of a name shouldn’t be understated. This is what I discovered through my exploration of names and their significance. I have recently started studying A-Level English Language, and one of the first lessons I had was on the importance of a person’s name. We had to research our own names in an […]Read Full Article
News Women in Science – Looking to the FutureOn Friday the 11th of February, we celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. My science teachers have been encouraging us all to write a piece commemorating overlooked women in science. Nettie Stevens Nettie Stevens was an American geneticist who suggested that chromosomes were responsible for determining sex. Through her studies on […]Read Full Article
Lifestyle Three tips for a tidy roomFollowing the lifting of lockdown restrictions, charity shops have been overwhelmed with donations flooding in. Households had plenty of time to have a thorough sort out of their old or unwanted possessions. January is also a good time to consider having a proper tidy up of your room. Christmas time can often be a bit […]Read Full Article
Education Covid: A School Student ReflectsDuring the pandemic, the impact of Covid on schools, students and education has been a constant concern. It’s not only education that’s taken a hit. Covid has affected relationships, mental health and the way students view their learning over the last two years. Online Lessons The first lockdown came as a bit of a surprise, […]Read Full Article
Lifestyle Veganuary? Advice from a VeganHaving been vegan for over two years, I feel I have to say something to encourage people to try veganism or at least consider reducing their meat consumption. This year, my mum has decided to take part in Veganuary, something she admits is going to be challenging, despite having been a vegetarian for over 30 […]Read Full Article
Editorials Should masks really be mandatory in schools?The Department for Education announced on 1 January that masks will be mandatory in classrooms for secondary school students. While people were expecting new rules after the Christmas break, many are angry about this new measure, and perhaps rightly so. While mask-wearing is something we’ve all had to get used to over the last two […]Read Full Article