Revisiting Mastering Politics: What’s an MP?

For a lot of people, politics is a very confusing topic. There are so many words to remember, so many parties and government positions and it’s not easy to know what it all means.
But there is no shame in not knowing. After all, it’s not like the news explains the definition of all of these things all of the time.
What is an MP?
You will have heard the term ‘MP’ mentioned quite a lot in politics. It stands for Member of Parliament, which is the job title of the person who represents the area in which you live in the House of Commons.
The area where you live is called a constituency and you are a constituent. Your MP represents the area by taking complaints from people who live within it and, usually alongside staff in their office, will sort the problem out as best they can.
An MP’s time is often divided between their constituency and London, where the House of Commons is. In the House of Commons, your MP should speak in debates, hold the Prime Minister and members of the government to account and champion causes that matter to them and their constituents.
Useful Links
Find out what your constituency is and who your MP is by clicking here and entering your postcode.
- Search for your MP’s voting record (how they have voted in Parliament on bills/suggestions to pass new laws) by clicking here.
- Click here to write to your MP. Insert your postcode and then select your MP’s name and you can begin writing in a template designed by WriteToThem.
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